By Chris Strikes
Fans in Canada it’s finally here! AppleTV & iTunes pre-order of Becoming a Queen is now available for those in the true north strong and free, ahead of the July 19th release date!
Thanks to Game Theory Films, for picking up the Canadian distribution of the film. Our partnership with Game Theory is over a year in the making and it’s been beautiful to see everything come to fruition.. A special shout out goes to Hilary Hart for her belief and efforts with getting the film to market in Canada, alongside Jessamine Fok.
Becoming a Queen’s July 19th release also coincides with the build up to this year’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival and I’d also like to thank the Festival Management Committee (FMC), particularly Mischka Crichton, Laverne Garcia and Angela Pierre.
I’m so excited for my fellow Canadians who missed the festival run to finally get to see the film.
Thank you all and enjoy the film!
Becoming a Queen || Official Trailer